The Inside Out of Happiness

There is not a week that goes by when I don't receive an email from a family caregiver addressing their search for happiness. Overall, there appears to be frustration about how much difficulty they're having to feel happy, even intermittently. 

In my opinion, being happy is not easy or hard and shouldn't be viewed with a pass/fail mindset. It's an emotional state that you can develop and incorporate into your daily life... but it doesn't just happen.

Encouraging people to live happier has been going on for a long time. In fact, even President Lincoln got into the happiness discussion when he said, "Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be." Honest Abe's comment may have hit on something very important -- as today's science supports, for many, happiness is very much a choice! 

That said, it's nonsense to suggest that all you need to do is say, "I want to be happy," and hocus pocus your spirits are soaring. However, the simple act of choosing to be happy is a great first-step in the right direction on your path to happiness.

Over the years, I have observed that people who are truly happy practice being happy every day. You're probably thinking, Oh, come on Victor. I have to practice being happy? Yup, if you're like most of us mere mortals, finding happiness consistently takes focus and work until the practice of seeking happiness is as normal a part of your daily activity as brushing your teeth. We can call this practice creating your happiness habit

Let's be honest, we can always find a reason to not be happy, especially for family caregivers who can be dealing with a lot of "stuff" on any given day. I constantly hear family caregivers (and people in general) say, "I will be happier once my loved one is feeling better," or "I would be happier if I had more money," or "if my friends were more supportive," or "if my golf handicap was lower" (sorry I couldn't help myself). However, I am here to tell you that if outside circumstances are your prerequisite for achieving happiness, you're going to have a long wait to feel a sense of ongoing, true, heartfelt happiness. Happiness is gained by thinking inside out, searching our personal beliefs to find those observations and self-initiated activities that bring happiness and meaning into our lives.

To help find your happiness sweet spot, I have an interesting and easy exercise, which is a pleasure to practice. I promise!

I read a wonderful book called What I Know for Sure by Oprah Winfrey. In her book, Oprah describes the occurrences in her life that bring her joy. Every day, she takes an inventory of her activities and observations, and assigns one to five stars to each, five indicating the most happiness. Her goal is to experience as many four and five-star activities in her day as possible. For instance, Oprah rates both being with a great book and speaking with a dear friend a five. Enjoying a wonderful cup of coffee earns a four, etc.

I love this exercise for two reasons. First, it helps us truly think about and take notice of what does and does not bring us a feeling of heart-felt happiness. The knowledge of what makes us happy (and what doesn't) is so important because, let's face it, in our crazy busy days it is so easy to blur all activity and think of only the irksome things we experienced. And second, the exercise provides us with a footprint to develop the habitual practice of seeking these happiness situations and ensures that we take a few minutes each day to make the practice a core part of our lives.

The trick is to take time to be introspective and honest about how you actually feel. You deserve it! Identify those moments that truly give you an internal smile and a feeling that touches your soul, then look for, or more importantly create, those moments more often and be grateful for them, because they enrich your life. And remember, YOU control this process and that in itself should make you very happy!

By the way, if you are interested in learning more about the science of happiness and finding suggestions to help you, there are several books that I recommend: 

Be Happy: Release the Power of Happiness in You by Dr. Robert Holden, Stumbling on Happiness by Dr. Dan Gilbert, Authentic Happiness by Dr. Martin Seligman, The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, and What Happy People Know by Dr. Dan Baker. Enjoy!

Help yourself. Help others.


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Finding the Write Mindset