Amber C. Saunders, Esq. on the Importance of Estate Planning Addressing Your Finances and Personal Legacy


Amber C. Saunders, Esq. is an accomplished Estate Attorney and Principal Attorney of The Saunders Firm located in Atlanta, Georgia. Through personal family experiences, Amber realized the importance of carrying forward the special memories of family members at the time of their passing. This has resulted in Amber’s unique approach to estate planning where she works with clients and their family members to integrate financial matters with personal memories and messages to form a legacy to be remembered.

Amber C. Saunders, Esq. in her role as an Estate Attorney has developed a unique approach to her practice with the estate planning process delivering a message that is rooted in Amber's belief that "our greatest asset isn’t our wealth, but ourselves”.  As a result, during the estate planning process, in addition to developing a thorough financial transition plan, clients and families are introduced to Amber’s 5-step planning guide, legacy workbooks, etc., in an effort to develop an estate plan that is both complete and highly personal.

I want people to understand their estate is more than their money. They are a whole person and are going to missed when they’re gone. Family will want to hear their voice
— Amber C. Saunders, Esq.

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