Gina Moffa on Grief, How It Affects Us and What To Do To Best Work Through It


Gina Moffa is a licensed psychotherapist, mental health educator, media consultant and author. Gina helps people work through personal trauma, grief, as well as challenging life experiences and transitions. Our conversation focuses on the challenges we face when grief is experienced, the types of grief that exists and subsequent reactions that can result. Central to this discussion is the importance of understanding there is no one size fits all type of grief and each person has their own way to deal with it. However, one common overlap is grief, trauma and anxiety intersect in us. For family caregivers, Gina helps us to better understand how to recognize when grief is present and how to best handle its physical and emotional challenges.

Fear tears us
apart from people because we feel disconnected. An antidote is to be around people where we feel safe. People who don’t judge.
— Gina Moffa

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